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My Services

Together, we will discuss your food preferences and current nutrition and lifestyle, working together to design a nutrition plan that will allow you to not only achieve your goals, but maintain them.
I assess clients past and previous health history, and diet diary (sent prior to the appointment), discuss lifestyle habits such as sleep habits, stress analysis, exercise patterns.
All sessions are held online so you can feel supported and motivated from the comfort of your own home.

Please feel free to email about any enquiries or to arrange a 10min discovery call to see if we're the right fit work together at

All prices include GST


Who I work with...

 I work with women, especially moms and moms-to-be to achieve optimal health and manage hormone related issues and for fertility journeys.


The way we live sometimes isn't working for us and can leave us sick and tired... 


Modern day women feel the pressure to do it all, all the time : Eat healthy, exercise often, build a successful career, take care of yourself and your baby and those around you. We are expected to glide through falling pregnant and then pregnancy with ease and then make a quick recovery to live the exact life you were living pre baby 


It is difficult to live our lives to the fullest when we are running on empty and constantly managing health conditions or exhaustion 


I offer 3 or 6 -month packages :

A package is a great way to future-commit to a sustainable nutrition and lifestyle practise while saving some money. This is suitable for you if gut or hormone issues or preparing for having a baby/ fertility. Let me support you to commit to your program and goals which align with your values while helping you with any obstacles that might pop up in that time. I offer packages to help you on your journey, which will help you stay consistent with your new habit formation.

3month package Includes:
1 initial consultation (1hr)
3 follow up consultations (45mins)
3 pulse check ins (15mins)
Support via Voxer 
Dietary and Lifestyle Assessment
Meal Plan suggestions
Supplement suggestions (if needed)
Recipe suggestions


6 month package Includes:

1 initial consultation (1hr)

5 follow up consultations (45mins)

5 pulse check ins (15mins)

Support via Voxer

 Dietary and Lifestyle Assessment

Meal Plan suggestions

Supplement suggestions (if needed)

Recipe suggestions




I can help if this sounds like you...

  • If you’re struggling with energy, hormonal, or digestive issues while trying to get pregnant, I want to help you find a solution and support your fertility. You’re not a mom, but know you’d like to be in the future—and want to support your body’s fertility.

  • If you feel like you are running on empty postpartum and know this shouldn't be normal 

  • You've been told you have a condition like hypothyroidism, irregular and painful periods, PCOS or endometriosis but was not given any nutrition or lifestyle advice

  • You have feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, burnout, brain fog, unexplained weight gain, bloating or aches and pains but all your labs look normal

  • You’re eating well, but still not feeling great.

  • You’re looking for a deeper understanding of your body and you want to optimise thyroid function, metabolism, hormonal balance, energy.

  • You want to know the right foods, lifestyle and supplements for you to feel your best.

  • You’re a mom and want to pass on education your daughters and empower them to know their bodies and look after their health

Fertility Packages

â‹’ Are you ready to start trying for a baby and want to learn more about optimising your fertility and giving your bubba the best start in life? 


â‹’ Or have you been trying to conceive for 3, 6 or even 12+ months with no success? 


â‹’ Have you been told you have infertility or diagnosed with a condition that is affecting your fertility?


â‹’ Is your man having issues with his swimmers? 


â‹’ Are you confused in regards to which prenatal supplement to take?


â‹’ Maybe you need to put on weight or lose weight to improve fertility outcomes?


I help you to optimise reproductive health, dig deeper into any infertility issues, optimise nutrient stores, support ovulation, when and how often to have sex, and much much more! 

  • optimise egg and sperm health

  • hormone balance and regulation

  • full nutritional analysis

  • supporting ovulation and conception

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